Tuesday 15 March 2011

FINAL PIECE (task 1)

Final hanging piece
Task 1

i think it would work best hanging that way round, its kind of based on the Dubia clock structure thing on the research post.

Monday 14 March 2011

TA DAA... Final poster (task 2)

so this is it, this is how it all turned out, decided to use this photo (clearly) and did the type in a way that was pretty classical of me, with some of the words much bigger than the others and the use of a general style that quite becomes me.

FINAL POSTER!.... posible photos

posible poster photos-

here are a few of the select photos i chose to possibly be use as the image for my final poster. iv decided already to use a black background for it.

Final Structure two

LARGE Complex Form
Using repeat pattern theme.

I think this is the piece i will be using for my poster piece. With the photo for the poster taken from an angle and in a simular way to the second set of photos.

Structure Research

Building Structure research
Buildings in Dubai 

I started looking at the buildings in dubai as they are qiute innovative structural ideas, in this particual building i quite like the dome feature.
here in particual i was looking at the archs at the top of this building
I really like the look of this im thinking of building my primary structure, and maybe use it for a hanging piece.
 i watch this video on TED and it real inspired me so i decide to create a structure based on buildings and on natural forms.

Natural Structure research

here are a few of natural structures i decided to look at...

The main natural shap i decided to look at was corral, as it cud form into many diffrent types of shapes and was relitively simple, sprouting out from one particular spot.

Sunday 6 March 2011

more strips stuff

here i was looking at pruducing a structure by arching the strips over to make a kind of rudimentary shelter like piece out of the same piece of paper.

pieces Made from strips of paper

built out of strips of papers with a spiral/spire kind of idea, with all strips starting in the same place and twisting to join together at the top.

A clsoe up shot of the top of the sprie.
here is another sculpture i made during a workshop with Richard Sweeney, its a quick atempt and producing somthing with a building like quility with a pillar like base and a stair like back to it. the oringal idea of it was to make a full version of this with all four side in place made from one piece.

Second Experiment

Second piece with a simular concept as the first, being a small simply folded shape held together without the need of any glue or tape, and all made from one piece.

First experiment from diffrent view points

First piece with focus on diffrent sections of it.
Here is the sculture taken against the lights on and with natural lighting, i think it has more of a dynamic feel with the natural lighting background.
A standing view of it, with what i believe is Akira Kurosawas Seven samurai behind it.
Same sculpture from above this this.

First experiment..... Posted really late!

First experiment piece, based on the a half completed origarmi crane, im looking at the idea of structure and diffrent ways of making structures using paper, This one with the idea of making it all out of one piece and simplistic flding techniques.